Wednesday, November 26, 2014


“Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.’” (Luke 15:8-9 ESV)

            After graduating from college I received an invitation to become the Assistant Pastor at a small church in a Montana railroad town just north of Yellowstone National Park. They provided a very nice little house next door to the church building. Our second child Nannette was only 10 months old when we came and just starting to crawl. We loved the house, church and town.
            By springtime Nan had learned to walk. Like most children she loved to explore and get into things. She especially liked sparkly items. One Sunday morning I went to the church building to finish preparing for Sunday School while my wife got the girls and herself ready. Between Sunday School and Worship service Brenda approached me in a state of panic. She could not find her diamond wedding rings. While getting ready Nannette searched her jewelry box. My wife found our daughter playing on the little patio just outside the back door. She was afraid Nan took the rings outside and lost them somewhere in the yard. The Worship Service was starting in ten minutes but this terror-stricken wife needed immediate attention.
            I literally ran back to the house and went straight to the patio. I stood by the edge of the cement slab and did a very quick search, the sun directly overhead. Looking straight down I saw something sparkle between a couple blades of grass. I carefully reached down and pulled out my wife’s rings. When I arrived at the church with rings in hand there was much rejoicing and Nan’s life was rescued. J
Look at all the coincidences making this hunt successful: Home at the exact time the sun was positioned overhead at the perfect angle, starting my quest at the patio and being positioned right over the ring, able to see a sparkle caused by sun rays through blades of grass.
            My experience reminds me of the woman in Jesus story. Already having nine coins she became excited finding just one and wanted others to rejoice with her.
            A great secret to gaining thankfulness is valuing something by how much it is appreciated, not by its price. My wife has received much more costly jewelry since then yet those rings are considered irreplaceable.
            When people see the same blessings everyday they eventually stop noticing their value. When they stop noticing they quit appreciating. When they quit appreciating they stop thanking. When they stop thanking they start complaining. By this point they forget the Lord, the only One providing benefits full of wonder.
             Remember the counsel of Paul: “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” (1 Timothy 6:17 ESV)
            You will not forget your blessings if you thank the Lord for all things. How well have you cultivated a thankful attitude?  One way to remain grateful is by having reference points.
            I recently had a conversation with one of my grandchildren and asked a generic question about how he was doing in school. He responded, “Good!” To gain a better understanding of his classroom performance required more specific questions. A point of reference helps measure what good means and places value on the treasure of good experiences.
            Five reference points will help you appreciate finding the riches that normally go unnoticed.

Hypothetically trading places

            Years ago a popular television show was on the air called “Trading Places.” Close friends would remodel each other’s house within a 48 hour period. The completed work was well received most of the time. Occasionally the changes were clearly not appreciated. Friends were hoping and wanting to help, yet some thought the appearance of their home ended up ugly.
            Although the United States may appear ruined and increasingly ugly, over 90 percent of the world’s population would be thrilled to trade places with an American right now. Starving people would love to sit at a finely set table filled with tasty foods and delicious desserts to eat a turkey meal, instead of rummaging through garbage dumps.
            Visit a third world country with mud huts and diseased infested streets. They make the poorest neighborhoods in America look like luxury condominiums.
            Do you find yourself complaining about your aging vehicle? Millions of people in foreign countries walk or ride animals to their destination, mostly walk.
            Are you willing to change your clean water from a kitchen faucet for water from a source filled with parasites? Multitudes would love clean water. Some people have no choice but to drink water wherever they can find it.
            God does not want you feeling guilty having pleasant surroundings. He just wants you to be grateful. And He wants you to help the less fortunate.

Remembering lean years

            Occasionally I incorporate the early years of marriage into my writings, a time when we hardly had even the bare necessities. My intention is never to gain pity. We benefited greatly from the lessons in the days of small beginnings, but I never want to forget how fortunate we have it today.
            My dad’s father died when he was only sixteen. He dropped out of high school to support his mother and brother. The Great Depression hit America. He lost his job, went back to school and got his diploma. His lunch during high school consisted of whatever he could buy for ten cents. World War II followed the Depression and he went to war. By the time my sister, brother and I were born things began looking up for the family, a nice house in a pleasant neighborhood, with delicious food, warm clothing and reliable transportation. Throughout my upbringing he spoke of his lean years and was grateful they had not continued.
            Stirring up memories of less fortunate times creates a reference point to thank God.

Losing and recovering blessings

            Sometimes people do not realize the value of their blessings until they lose them. Many say they hate their job until out of work. Some complain about spouses and kids until the marriage fails or kids runaway.  People at fitness centers occasionally bellyache about exercise until injured and unable to do their workout.
            When situations turn around attitudes are transformed. A job becomes priceless. A restored marriage and a runaway child back home feels heavenly. A leg or arm fully mobile once again brings deep-seated satisfaction.
            These become reference points of thanksgiving, making people know what it is like going without.

Comparing a worse situation

            Clarence was a very poor man with a large family. It took every penny to take care of his six kids. Three had worn out their shoes but the family needed a washing machine. He started looking for a used appliance.
            An ad was posted in a newspaper and he went to the home. The couple offered to sell it at a very low price. Being able to buy both a washing machine and three pairs of shoes made Clarence very appreciative.
            Expressing his gratitude to the sellers he casually added, “I bet you’ve never had to worry about buying shoes.” The woman started to cry and left the room. Her husband explained, “We only have one child and she has never walked a step in her life, she’s never worn out a pair of shoes.” Clarence went home with a used washing machine and a new reference point.
            People would do well to remember circumstances could be worse.

Experiences not happening to you

            Dale Carnegie went through a prolonged period of depression. To pull out of despair he wrote a list of everything important to him. He then imagined life without these things. He included a number of hypothetical tragedies – his children in jail, his wife leaving him, being flat broke, his health ruined.
            After completing his list, Carnegie drew a line through each misfortune that was not true, which ended up being the whole list. His reference point for thankfulness was the bad things that never came to pass. His depression lifted. Thank God for the numerous tragic experiences not happening to you.


            By using reference points you gain the ability to appreciate the wonderful blessings you have and the unpleasant moments you have escaped. Have a blessed Thanksgiving day.

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